Three Ways To Teach Your Little Ones The Story Of Christmas

Shopping Blog

If you belong to a Christian family, teaching your children the story of Christmas is an important part of their upbringing. While you could sit down and just tell them the story or read it from a Bible, this is not always the most engaging way to approach such an important lesson. The story of Christmas should feel warm and inviting. Here are some ways to teach your child the Christmas story in an engaging, enjoyable way.

Use Christmas Figurines

Shop for a set of decorative holiday figurines that display the nativity. You should have a baby Jesus, Joseph, Mary, some shepherds and wise men, and perhaps an angel. You can use the figurines to act out the Christmas story for your child. Depict the angel coming to Mary to tell her that she is going to have a Son named Jesus, and then show how the baby was born in a manger around sheep and other animals. You can then depict the arrival of the shepherds to visit the Christ child, and later on, the visit of the wise men from afar.

Seeing the story acted out will help cement it in your child's mind, especially if you let them help you move the figurines. Keep the nativity scene displayed in your home throughout the Christmas season so you can review the story from time to time.

Attend a Play

If your church or another church in your area is having a nativity play or a Christmas pageant, consider attending with your little one. These plays are usually pretty simple as they tend to be performed by children, so even younger kids should be able to follow what is happening and learn the Christmas story from the performance. There's usually a lot of singing, too, which can make the experience fun for your child.

Watch a Movie Together

There are many video depictions of the Christmas story, and some are better than others. View a few of them on your own, and select one that aligns with your own values and beliefs. Watch it with your child. Don't approach it as an educational experience, as this may make your child less interested. Instead, make a bowl of popcorn, snuggle into the couch, and enjoy the Christmas movie together as a family. Your child will learn while also being entertained, which will make the story that much more memorable and meaningful. 


29 October 2017

Shopping Can Be a Rewarding Hobby

I have loved to shop ever since I was a young girl and have always considered it one of my favorite hobbies. While many people find shopping a chore, I love hunting down great bargains, and I often check out every online and brick-and-mortar store that offers an item before I purchase it. That way, I can stretch my shopping dollars and stick to my relatively tight budget each month. I know that there are many people out there that find hunting for deals a chore or simply don't have time to do it, so I thought I would start a helpful blog where I share some of my most recent new shopping deals and discoveries. I hope you come back often and my posts help you!